DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-104-109
The article deals with the results of the experiment and the interview which were directed at revealing the associative links of the Polish concept “śmierć” / “death”. A study of such kind of links can help in modeling the structure of the concept. The resulting verbal associations reflect the conceptual signs of the concept “śmierć” (‘end’, ‘departure’), indicate a deep rootedness in the consciousness of the Poles of cultural stereotypes which are a figurative representation of death (in the image of a woman with a scythe, skeleton). Words that call objects, realities connected with the rite of the burial (cemetery, funeral, etc.) are few in the associative line. The attitude toward death, its evaluation are found in the words-reactions, which call the feelings or conditions that a person experiences when faced with death. Most often these are heavy, unpleasant feelings or conditions (yearning, sadness, fear, etc.). Negative attitude towards death is represented in its associations with cold, darkness, ruins, etc. Individual associations which represent the personal experience of understanding death are diverse: from completely traditional (wieczny spokój / eternal peace) to very unexpected (śmietana / sour cream). The full spectrum of obtained associations allows to speak not only about the peculiarities of the structure of Polish concept “śmierć” (its signs), but also about the specifics of the conceptual connections in the consciousness of Polish-speakers.
Keywords: concept, representation of concept, verbal associations, Polish linguoculture
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 104 — 109
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