DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-96-99
This article is devoted to the analysis of anthropomorphic metaphors in the English terminological system of oil and gas industry. The theoretical basis relies on the cognitive approach to metaphor, mostly on the conceptual theory of metaphor. The author describes the cognitive scheme “the oil and gas industry is a human being”. It was revealed that anthropomorphic metaphorization is one of the most effective ways of term-forming in the sphere of oil and gas. In the result of metaphorization, new terms are formed based on a cognitive mapping of lexical units, referring to the structure of human body, to a specific branch of study regarding external or functional similarities between the source domain and the target domain. The author considers the metaphorical shifting of anatomical structure of the human body, namely human face and the organs located on it, which proved to be an important source of metaphorization in creating English oil and gas terms. The analysis of the two constituent parts of this notional zone and revealing the cognitive structure schemes of their elements made it possible to bring to light the grounds of metaphoric shifting, as well as the modes of perception used in the process of metaphorization.
Keywords: oil and gas terminology, anthropomorphic metaphor, the notional zone, cognitive structures, modes of perception in the process of metaphorization
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 96 — 99
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