DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-79-84
Problems of dialogue, regulation of cognitive activity of the reader by means of the text are key to the theory of regulativity developed in Tomsk state pedagogical university, and the theory of intertextuality. The study is performed under the scientific directions. The indicated problem is connected with the highly complex philosophical and linguistic aspects of Mandelstam’s poetry and creativity as its outstanding representative. The creativity of Mandelstam is highly intertextual. The author previously identified five types of lexical regulative models of the intertextual type in it, therefore in this study was conducted an experiment, aimed at identifying their regulatory power. According to indications of language consciousness of the informants, the regulatory power of these structures are influenced by the following linguistic factors: the type of intertexts - respondents noted the key role of pretextual information, of precedent names; the location of intertexts in strong positions (the elements of the pretext of the first poetic stanza); the saturation of the intertextual elements of the poems – the more saturated intertextuality elements of the texts are, the higher their regulatory power. Within the whole text, the models with the minimal amount or the lack of pretextual information have the greatest regulative force, if the saturation coefficient of intertexts is high in the texts themselves. Extra-linguistic factors that affect the regulatory power of the texts include: the level of knowledge of informants; respondents‘ beliefs about their competence in assessing the understanding of the poems; emotional state during the experiment.
Keywords: regularity, intertextuality, intertext, regulative models of the intertextual type
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 79 — 84
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