DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-73-78
The article is executed from the positions of the communicative stylistics of the text. It is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the connection in the poetic (and wider – artistic) text of regulativity and reflectivity. The review of the works of recent years devoted to the study of textual qualities and categories on the material of various discursive practices is presented. The essence of regulativity, reflection, including its types, as well as reflectivity is considered in detail. Regulativity is a systemic textual quality that provides management of the cognitive activity of the addressee. Reflection is interpreted as a universal sign of human thought activity. Reflectivity is a person’s ability to reflection. The reflectivity is closely connected with images of the author and addressee which are realized in the textual categories of subjectivity and addressing. The author relies on the researches of linguists, literary critics, also observations of masters of the artistic word for establishing the connection between the regulativity of the poetic text and the reflectivity. It is found out that from the positions of the communicative-activity approach to the text, the basis of regulativity as a systemic textual quality is reflectivity. Prospects for further research are outlined.
Keywords: categories and qualities of the text, regulativity, reflectivity, poetic text
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 73 — 78
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