DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-61-67
The article deals with analysis of the professional language personality of Natalia O’Shea – a singer, musician, songwriter and leader of the rock-group “Mel’nitsa” (The Mill). The material of research is the texts of the interviews (2004–2017 years). The author of the article describes in detail the three levels of the artist’s professional language personality: 1) the level of professional consciousness; 2) the verbal level; 3) the motivating and pragmatical level. The texts of the interviews give knowledge about N. O’Shea’s views of nature of creative work, things which inspire the artist, her musical and general erudition. Natalia O’Shea considers her creative work as a complicated subjective process of connection of individual impressions and emotions with allusions to literary works, fairytales and myths. The artist compares songwriting with stained-glass window creation, cultivation of flower etc. She notes that her activity as a musician is tightly connected with her scientific interests in philology. Natalia O’Shea knows terminology of music very well. In her stories about songwriting and recording of songs, playing the musical instruments the artist uses not only professional lexis, but different expressive means of language. There are a lot of onyms and a number of citations in speech of the artist. This research is interesting for linguopersonology and communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: professional language personality of the artist, Natalia O’Shea, interview
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 61 — 67
Downloads: 812