DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-46-52
The article deals with detection and description of linguistic and extra linguistic regularities of informational waves forming in media communication. An informational wave is interpreted as a connected with informational echo stream of media texts-reactions to one informational reason with detection of peak and recession of social interest and media citations. Establishes the connection of media waves with different types of media texts: primary, secondary and tertiary (texts of the third turn, which are an echo of primary and secondary, are dedicated to topical informational reasons). Reveals linguistic and extra linguistic factors, influencing the appearance and existence of different types of informational waves. As the linguistic factors of the emergence and development of informational waves were examined the following: 1) repeated key words and phrases, and means of their actualization (attributes and predicates, which attend the key words); 2) means of argumentation (logical, rhetorical, stylistic), which were used by the authors of primary media texts according to typical social value; 3) common citations including precedent phenomena, which connect different media texts in the network of informational waves. Extra linguistic factors, that are of great importance for informational waves formation and development, are typical of the following: topical informational reasons for society (events and personalities); realizing in media discourse strategies of provocation, conflict, advertising, connected with psychology of events perception of mass addressee and pragmatics of media communication; informational field of newsmaker and informational field of platform where communication is realized. As an empirical material were analysed primary, secondary and tertiary media texts, forming dynamics of informational waves, which is stimulated by program “Special opinion” with participation of Maxim Shevchenko as a guest and an anchorman Sergey Buntman on radio “Echo of Moscow” on 6-th of July 2017. The results are of interest for theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: media communication, media text, media discourse, informational waves, tertiary media text, informational and media language personality
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 46 — 52
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