DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-31-35
The main idea of the article is to analyze the features of the functioning of verb predicates in description-portrait. There are 11 lexical-semantic groups (LSG) of non-active verb predicates verbalized the visual modality with meaning of 1. placement in space, 2. position predicates, 3. with semantic of the form of the object, 4. space borders predicates, 5. coverage of the subject, 6. spatial ratio of objects, 7. filling of space, 8. characteristic of the flat surface of the object, 9. direction in space, 10. location in space, 11. isolation based on light / color characteristics of the object. Description-portrait imposes certain restrictions on the use of non-active verb predicates of 11 LSG and predicates with intermodal meaning. The verb predicates that characterize the form of the object are the most frequent in the description-portrait. The predicates with semantics of placement in space, of the space filling and direction in space, as well as tactile and taste intermodal predicates are not productive in this thematic variety of description. Active verb predicates function in the context of a description-portrait with an invariant meaning of existence. As well as nonactive predicates, they are able to verbalize the spatial characteristics of description objects.
Keywords: text of “description”, lexical model, description-portrait, verb predicate, classification of predicates
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 31 — 35
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