DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-18-24
The article explicates components expressed in reproach genre which are marked by gender and have great cognitive value. There were identified core types of determination, value scale, value criteria, main perception channel, cognitive and pragmatic functions, types of emotional correlation and ways of speech intensification. Serial “Deffchonki” was taken as the material for the analysis; special attention was paid to the first part, because it has to involve the spectators into the activity continuum in order to keep their attention and interest up to the end of this serial. The core investigation method is cognitive and semantic analysis. The most valuable for the female components of the world view were discovered. Emotional correlation and attitude were analyzed as well. Pragmatic and value aims were taken into consideration. It was revealed that reproach genre explicates female ideals and attitudes. Both value poles were highlighted. A great number of creative approaches were fixed in female attempts to change psychoemotional atmosphere and interlocutor behaviour. The analysis showed the dominance of visual perception channel. The main function was determined as emotional influence in order to change the interlocutor behaviour. Emotional background is conviction. It was revealed that female position is marked by emotional, affective and dimensional determination. 10 % of content has value-oriented and precedential type of determination.
Keywords: Gender aspect, genre, cognitive and pragmatic functions, ways of speech intensification, value registers
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 18 — 24
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