DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-122-126
Verbs of movement in the Selkup dialects denote different ways of movement, its nature, general orientation of the movement against the speaker, environment in which this movement occurs, and a number of additional components. Most Selkup verbs of movement are monosemantic, about 60% of meanings does not repeat, i. e. they are peculiar to one verb of movement. In the analyzed group of verbs of movement the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the Selkup verbs of movement the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. Selkup verbs of movement are divided into two groups: verbs of undirected movement and verbs of directed movement. Lexico-semantic group of verbs of undirected movement has the core which is formed by the most frequent polysemantic verbs kwangu, čāǯįgu and qənqo, and also periphery which is formed by the verbs of undirected movement including such lexico-semantic components as ‘environment in which the movement occurs’, ‘way of the movement’, ‘speed of the movement’, «figurative characteristic of the movement» in their meanings. The orientation sign of verbs of directed movement receives a specification. It is lexically expressed in specification of the direction by serial postpositions; grammatically it is specified by the formants coinciding with suffixes of the inflectional system. The group of verbs of directed movement includes verbs of absolute direction and verbs of relative direction. Verbs of absolute direction include verbs of vector movement in vertical direction and verbs of vector movement in horizontal direction. The Selkup verbs of movement are characterized by denoting the general movement direction (approach or removal) and orientation in space.
Keywords: Selkup language, verbs of directed movement, verbs of undirected movement
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 122 — 126
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