DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-15-20
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the conflict and congruous discourses’ components which are relevant to the genre of intercultural political prognosis. The latter is viewed not as a form of the analytical article but as an independent genre with appropriate characteristic features. In the framework of the prognosis functioning in the media landscape the following genre forms are singled out: article-prognosis and interview-prognosis. The above-mentioned genre varieties correlate to the genre and stylistic unit of the conflict and congruous discourses’ models. Within the scope of the functional and axilological unit of the discourses under study the prognostic, evaluative and preventive functions of the prognosis are described. The speech means which mark the prognostic utterance in the text are analyzed. The definition of conflict and congruous types of discourse, of the intercultural political area are given. The author comes to the conclusion the intercultural political prognosis is more likely to be described as belonging to the conflict type of discourse as the genre under study doesn’t represent the facts but determines the tendencies and perspectives of this or that phenomenon’s development. And only time and the real development of the events can show whether the prognosis was true-to-fact or not.
Keywords: intercultural political prognosis, conflict discourse, congruous discourse, prognostic utterance, genre
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 15 — 20
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