In the article we considered the history of fitness development as kind of motive activity of the population and sociocultural event of XX century. There are definitions of aerobics and fitness. We compare and summarise the experience of fitness-industry development in Russia and in the USA. K. Cooper, J. Fond and J. Miller are the founders of fitness in the United States. We show the periodization of historical steps of the fitness development. L. V. Sidneva and O. S. Slutsker are the creators of the organized system of fitness industry in Russia. We describe the activities of Russian fitness-aerobics Federation in the modern period. Also we characterize the experience of the implementation of fitness in the system of physical education of students. We determine the place and the role of modern fitness in the system of the health-improvement physical culture.
Keywords: fitness, physical activity, physical culture, aerobics, healthy lifestyle, fitness-industry
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 112 — 116
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