The article considers the main stages of pedagogical experiment. The aim of pedagogical experiment is to study the effectiveness of using information technologies in the study of astronomy course at the pedagogical University. Describes the results of the pedagogical research. Considers the influence of the use of interactive computer models and Internet technologies on the level of assimilation of students of educational material in astronomy, the rise and development of motivation of students. Demonstrates the positive impact of the use of these funds on the formation of interest in the study of astronomy, professional orientation of future teachers of physics for training astronomy students. Shows the author's approach to teaching astronomy at the pedagogical University on the basis of use of interactive computer models and Internet technologies.
Keywords: pedagogical education, pedagogical experiment, information technology, interactive computer model, astronomical education, methods of teaching astronomy
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 83 — 88
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