The article presents the problem of creating tasks for a productive training in information-educational environments. The proposed approach to task creation provides the creative direction of the learning process, allows to implement the principles of phases of reflection in teaching. It was proved that contextual learning technology can be the basis for the process of creating tasks for a productive training in information-educational environments. The article presents the kinds of tasks for productive training in information-educational environments. Proves that the kinds of tasks are focused on the dynamic deployment of activities from the stage of examination of information up to the stage of practical implementation of some aspects of the subject, the problem. Provides the tasks for all of the models of contextual learning. Here are the kinds of the tasks: the tasks for understanding of information, the tasks for comparing of information, the tasks for substantiating of information, the tasks for reflection.
Keywords: learning environment, modeling of learning environment, the contextual learning technology, the types of learning tasks for information-educational environment
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 74 — 78
Downloads: 698