The article presents the author's approach to developing a universal model of the cluster of methodical competence of students – future teachers, which can act as a certain reference point in designing a similar cluster taking into account specifics of a concrete profile of training of students in pedagogical higher education institution. The authors give definitions to concepts “methodical preparation”, “methodical activity”, “methodical competence” and designate the objectives of methodical training of future teachers. Allocate and characterize the basic principles of modeling a cluster of methodical competences of pedagogical higher education institution students, allocate the component structureof these principles. We outline a range of methodical competencies for future teachers, the mastery of which allows you to implement methodical activities effectively, ensuring the achievement of new educational results.
Keywords: federal state educational standard of higher professional education, model, methodical competences, methodical activity, methodical preparation
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 24 — 29
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