The article considers the concept of a linguo-cultural type as the synthesizing type and to manifestation of a linguo-cultural type the “weirdo” (crank) and to his manifestation in art texts of V. M. Shukshin. The given linguocultural type is analyzed taking into account the main results of modern anthropological linguistics, and also the motive and a phenomenon of affected feeble-mindedness and “voluntary buffoonery” characteristic of the Russian traditional culture of the 19th century. Key ranks of types heroes are defined and the main types of the heroes “weirdo” (crank) of V. M. Shukshin (unaccomplished scientist, philosopher, artist, actor, musician, liar) seeking to rise over the ordinary life are revealed, the main features of speech behavior of “weirdo” (crank) in peculiar “change understanding” of a situation of a vital case of the hero on the example of the story “Idiot” are defined, function of use by “weirdo” (crank) of a speech mask in the context of communicative and speech disharmony is opened.
Keywords: linguo-cultural type, “weirdo”, foolishness, speech behavior, V. M. Shukshin
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 107 — 112
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