The article considers the specific character of religious metaphors and their role in conceptualization of the soul in art discourse of the XVIII–ХХ centuries. The characteristic feature of the studied metaphorical model is the close synthesis of pagan and Christian concepts, the appeal to fundamental oppositions “good – evil” and “own – alien”, estimation approach to cognizable fragments of reality. By means of a metaphorical projection from the area of “religion” into the area of “man’s inner world” in an art discourse the spiritual qualities of the person, emotional life, personal relations between the man and the woman are represented. The peak of the use of religious metaphors in an art discourse is XVIII–XIX centuries. Since XX century, after 1917, the religion has ceased to occupy the central position in the life of a society, as a result the given area began to be used significantly less often as a source of metaphorical expansion.
Keywords: conceptual metaphor, concept, art discourse religion, soul
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 21 — 26
Downloads: 653