The article discusses the main tasks of the teacher of a foreign language in the system of higher education. It assumes the need to overcome the traditional process in the organization of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities that train specialists in different spheres of production. The focus is on teacher training that concentrates on the ability of students of non-linguistic educational institutions, their way of thinking. The possibility of using the system of knowledge of neuropsychology for the organization of a foreign language learning process for students of technical specialties is justified. It is noted that the transition from a traditional to a competence-based approach requires a complex change of their own personal position and the role of the teacher in the systematic management of linguo-educational process. The process requires the willingness and ability of the teacher to model linguo-educational process in a technical university with reference to the technological stages of training future specialists. The article suggests ways of linguo-didactic preparation of the teacher of a foreign language for non-linguistic universities in the two-level system of training.
Keywords: professional training, linguo-educational process, modeling, abilities, mindset
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 112 — 116
Downloads: 768