Discusses the ways of term formation in Old English and Old Russian based on the data of Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters which deal with legal transactions of landed property. As follows from the analysis the most productive way of term formation in Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters was semantic derivation, the change of the meaning of words already existing in the language. Consequently common lexis constituted the basis of emerging terminology in Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters. The term formation took place by means of terminologisation of common lexis. The transfer of common lexis into the sphere of terminology was accompanied by semantic narrowing, metonymic and metaphoric transfer of the meaning.
Keywords: Anglo-Saxon charter, Old Russian charter, ways of term formation, semantic derivation, semantic narrowing, metonymic transfer, metaphoric transfer
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 99 — 102
Downloads: 722