The publication is devoted to the study of geometric metaphor in the modern English economic discourse. This type of discourse serves the communication of information, shapes people’s opinion on events and facts. The research task involves cognitive analyses of the source-domain “geometry” and its metaphorical expansion in the economic sphere of life of English speaking society. The examples are based on the media texts published in quality English press. The analysis of empirical data enabled to make a conclusion that the lexical units of the English language having the direct meaning “geometric figure” are widely used by native English speakers to conceptualize different aspects of economic life in mass media discourse. The geometric metaphor can be considered an important element of the modern English economic discourse and correspondingly communication, thus it obtains a special status in the frame of cognition.
Keywords: spatial conceptualization, metaphorical interpretation of geometric space, geometric metaphor, target domain, source domain, economic mass media discourse
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 81 — 85
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