The research project deals with the analysis and description of the features of the author’s text of the academic medical discourse in English language. In relation to our research “components” of the above text are those language units which on the semantics and the form “… carry out in texts both esthetic, and stylistic functions” and represent “the description of the numerous stating life facts – death, health – illness, incurability reasons – curability”. The mentioned criteria in components of texts of the academic medical discourse are described through an explication of components of the evaluation which basis is made by the author’s reasonings giving “an idea of the text as about uniform semantic space” and leading to the conclusions predicted at the beginning of the text. In this paper research is conducted on the material of contexts of the American medical association journal and New England medical journal. Therefore, the analysis of the examples of the author’s texts of the academic medical discourse representing different linguocultural spaces is given. As a result phraseological units according to their semantics and form are considered as a means of updating the author’s position in the scientific medical discourse.
Keywords: texts of academic medical discourse, text blocks of author’s reasonings, phraseological unit, text evaluation
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 76 — 80
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