French perfumery art has centuries-old traditions and is the pride of the French nation. This article deals with the French perfumery discourse as one of the kinds of the institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of the production and trade of perfume goods), advertising perfumery discourse, scientific perfumery discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the perfumery art, perfumery media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the perfumery proper discourse in the sphere of professional communication. Within the subgroup of the French perfumery discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, art, medical, musical, culinary and other discourses. The complex discourse nature of the perfumery discourse has given rise to a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: smell, fragrance, perfume, perfumery, perfumery discourse, speech genre, functional style, a unit of analysis
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 71 — 75
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