This article deals with the analysis of the discourse in the light of philosophy, sociology, sociolinguistics, culturology, semiotics, text linguistics. The discourse analysis has been depicted from the point of text and context aspects. The levels of analysis of language material for discourse characterization have been distinguished. Frames (concept systems) have been considered as the mental units; their contents are being seen as the discourse. The brief review of linguistic processors MathLab, Gate and WordNet data-base has been done; they are defined as the most effective and automated means of discourse analysis of natural languages. The environment Gate includes the elements of corpus and concept analyses and machine learning. These programmes help to define the slot position of markers in their cognitive model. MathLab automates the algorithm in the analysis of the core concepts.
Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, linguistic processor, frame, discourse marker, GATE
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 66 — 70
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