A distinctive feature of contemporary linguistic research is its engagement with language actualization processes. This point finds its foundation in F. de Saussure’s conception distinguishing language, speech and speech activity which has given rise to various new trends with the purpose of exposing and examining the sense generating mechanisms of language in work. Analytical perspectives comprise a diversity of problems including the psychology of perception, interpretation and assessment of various phenomena, conventions of societal structures and communication modi. This originates a new interdisciplinary problem-solving plane with a new subject termed “discourse”. The phenomenon complexity and, consequently, the multiplicity of qualification and classification criteria bring forth a discord in the term (as well as the phenomenon) interpretation. There springs up a necessity to define its (the term and the phenomenon) status, correlations with other objects of linguistic analysis, such as text, genre, register. All these points, as well as the problem of term coinage and usage are in the focus of the article.
Keywords: discourse, text, genre, style, register
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 61 — 65
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