Sacral and ordinary components of fire in the linguistic worldview of Selkups are specified and described. In mythoepic perception fire connects the Upper, Middle and Lower worlds. Important status of fire is represented by big amount of restrictions and rules which violation is followed by negative consequences not only for one person but for the whole generation. In Selkup lexical unit tǖ ‘fire’ relates to animate nouns, and fire itself is perceived by Selkup as a living organism. As any other living organisms, fire is born, lives and dies. As a moment of birth of fire shall be considered a moment of its kindling – innä cotyqo ‘to kindle’. To support its life fire needs a feed – wood (tǖj apsot). The process of burning is to be considered as a continuous repast of fire: tǖ awēšpįgu ‘to burn’, literally tǖ ‘fire’, awēšpįgu ‘to eat’. Life cycle is finished by “death” of fire – extinction: illä qapteǯegu ‘to extinct’. Fire is given with vivific power and ability to wake the dead. In folk literature and Selkup mythology fire is personified with the figure of Lady of fire (tǖn amba).
Keywords: Selkup language, language worldview, fire, figure, personification, connection of worlds
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 54 — 57
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