The paper deals with the specific features of using “pastiche” technique in Stefano Benni’s works such as “Achille pie’ veloce” and “Baol” novels and collected stories “Il bar sotto il mare”, “Bar-sport”. Stefano Benni is one of the most famous Italian contemporary writers, mostly known for his language play: due to a great amount of neologisms it has been called “bennilingua” (the language of Benni). Pastiche is an essential part of language play and linguistic experiment, which illustrates stylistic possibilities and the potential of the language and enlarges its limits. The patchiness of Stefano Benni’s language makes it possible to view his works as a part of postmodernism.
Keywords: postmodernism, language play, pastiche, neologism
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 39 — 45
Downloads: 725