The article presents the analysis of pronunciation of some difficult German sounds by Russian respondents of musical and others specialities. All Russian respondents were examined by speech therapist, otolaryngologist, neurologist and linguist. Otolaryngologist and neurologist eliminated ear, throat and nervous system pathology in the examined respondents. Speech therapist’s examination included a study of expressive speech, impressive speech, phonemic hearing and practical functions. Linguistic research included repetition of some difficult for Russians German sounds (ö, eu, ei, ng, r, e, ü, ch, h). The results of interdisciplinary research showed that respondents of musical specialities have greater probability of correct pronunciation of German difficult sounds than the respondents of other specialties.
Keywords: German, pronunciation, Russian respondents, linguistic experiment
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 29 — 34
Downloads: 642