The article is focused on the main historical stages of formation of ideologeme ‘self-government’. The content and functions of ideologeme are very conservative and determined by the peculiarities of culture. It is supposed that the cyclicity of the USA development affects the relevance of the discussed ideologeme. This article presents a try to divide the history of formation of ideologeme into periods that characterize it from the perspective of the dominant semiotic function. The American presidents’ speeches since the 1930s have been analyzed to this end. In different political times the presidents of the USA appeal to certain values. The author comes to the conclusion that the popularity of self–government is indicative of the confrontation of conservative and liberal ideologies. During the history of the USA the ideologeme ‘self–government’ has been developed in involutional way.
Keywords: political discourse, ideologeme, value, conservative ideology, liberal ideology, semiotic function
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 25 — 28
Downloads: 683