The article discusses examination discourse within the framework of sociolinguistic approach. Being an integral part of any society at a certain period of its development, examination or final testing procedure can be regarded as a separate unit of any status-oriented discourse where the key role belongs to the participants of communication. Taking into consideration pragmatic features of examination discourse the following constitutive characteristics were outlined and analyzed: goals and objectives of communication, time and place of communication, communication environment, participants of communication, their status and role in the process of communication, means and strategies of their interaction within examination procedure. In the framework of current research it was found that examination discourse encourages the candidate to demonstrate knowledge and skills he/she possesses in certain subject and at the same time it acts as an instrument of candidate’s knowledge and skills control.
Keywords: exam, examination discourse, candidate, expert, test rubrics, test task, codificator, presupposition
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 68 — 72
Downloads: 684