The article is devoted to variation of network terminology in Russian internet discourse. The research is based on data collected from the sources of internet communication devoted to network technologies. The following variation types are being described: syntactical, semantic, functional and stylistic as well as their varieties. The article describes the main reasons for network terminology variation on formal, semantic, functional and stylistic levels as well as the relationship of different variation types to the problem of word equality. As a result, the main reason for variation of professional items in computer network sublanguage was defined. It lies in the very process of borrowing specialized lexis into the Russian language as a result of professional international communication intensification. Inside the Internet discourse the variation of network terminology is one of the ways to change communication registers and showing the dynamics of this discourse.
Keywords: network terminology; variation; formal variation; semantic variation, functional and stylistic variation
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 20 — 23
Downloads: 918