Important role for making a safe childhood plays the process of teaching preschool children to safe behavior, fostering a culture of safety. Preschool is a sensitive period for the formation of personality traits that allow a child in the future actively and safely interact with nature and people. Adaptation Programme “My Safety in the World” for preschool institutions helps children to learn about the dangers athome and in transport, in the city and in the natural surroundings, the dangers arising from the people. Skills and behavior in dangerous emergencies. Teaching safe behavior occurs during different activities: games, research, fine art, music, work, sports, during the regime moments. It helps the child to study the means and ways of development of safety culture, to be active and independent. As a result, there are preschooler basic skills of safe behavior during the earthquake, fire, chemical contamination, they learns to respect nature, themselves and others. As a result of the development of the program children’s interest in the study of the world and observations increased, the perception intensified, the attention increased, the level of cognitive processes rose. Children learned to communicate with each other, to provide the necessary assistance, to interact effectively and participate actively in joint activities. The program was attended by teachers, psychologists, health workers, parents.
Keywords: security preschooler, education in the spheres of safety, culture of safety
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 154 — 158
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