Formation of professional and pedagogical culture of the future teachers-musicians is one of the most important goals of modern music education because of the level of professional and pedagogical culture specialist depends on the success of professional activity, competitiveness and professionalism. The article discusses the functions of professional and pedagogical culture of the future teachers-musicians, the success of which is an important factor in the development of professional and personal qualities and achievements of high quality training. The following functions are identified: communication, information and cognitive, creative, evaluation, humanistic, motivation, moral, educational, reflective, aesthetic. The main attention is given to the characteristics of these functions. The results of this study extend the knowledge about the methodological potential of professional pedagogical culture of the future teachers-musicians in the educational process.
Keywords: culture; professional and pedagogical culture; future teachers-musicians; functions; functions of external and internal orientation
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 150 — 153
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