The article considers the importance of design activity at lessons of literary reading at elementary school, proves the relevance of project activity in the light of Federal state educational standards, shows the possibilities of this activity on the example of the project “I. A. Krylov’s Fable”, lists the basic principles of creation of the program for literary reading. The authors allocated the types of projects of individual and group activity: practice-creative focused, role and game, research and creative, information-oriented and requirements for the organization of project activity: existence of a significant problem, importance of estimated results, independence of pupils, project structuring, use of methods of research. Special attention is paid to the stages of implementation of the project. The article also states the content of work, the equipment of the lesson of literary reading, kinds of activity trained and teachers in connection with introduction of Federal state educational standard of primary education.
Keywords: project activity, project, fables, I. A. Krylov, elementary school, literary reading
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 43 — 47
Downloads: 992