Discusses the one of the important directions of development of Russian education – transition to second generation of Federal State Education Standard. The priorities of the new standard are not only aimed at subject results, but also at meta-subject and personal results. The demands of the modern society set the following task: to make high school graduates to be ready to cope with challenges of the modern world, and to face a variety of cognitive, communicative and organizational problems. The modern teacher in perfection must possess innovative pedagogical technologies and approaches in the educational process. Implementation of the interdisciplinary approach at every educational subject, as well as in the organization of extracurricular activities reveals to the teacher and learners new horizons of dialogue, cooperation, development of creative and intellectual thinking, the organization of cognitive activity and so on.
Keywords: the transition to second generation of Federal State Education Standard, substantive result, metasubject result, transdisciplinary approach, integration, curricular activities, extracurricular activities, teacher
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 36 — 42
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