The article is devoted to the theoretical justification of the process of development of students’ value orientations in learning activities. Clarifies the concepts of “law” and “principle” in pedagogy, grounds the connection of the principles of training and education. Formulates the following the laws and the derived from them principles of the value orientations development of the schoolchild in educational activity: the development of value orientations of the schoolchildren in educational activity will be the more effective, the more the student will be the subject of training and education (the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of activation of self-realization and selfexpression), the deeper and the better will be opened the axiological potential of the school subject (the principle of reliance on the content of a subject in education, the principle of communication training with life and the principle of scientific training), the better will be considered the individual characteristics, interests and needs of students (personification principle and the principle of emotional learning).
Keywords: law, principle, education value orientations of students, the content of the subject
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 30 — 35
Downloads: 771