The problem of pedagogical goal-setting under the situation of drastic sociocultural changes which require the reformation of educational system is analyzed. Two approaches to the definition of educational goals “education for life” and “education for a human” are scrutinized. The question concerning the role of extra-curricular activities in the system of school education is put by the example of teaching speech and acting techniques in the upper school. The course goals are defined: to surmount the dialectal peculiarities and to improve the speech up to the standard pronunciation; to develop listening and communicative skills in general. The drama element in voice and speech exercises is brought in in order to awaken positive emotions, enthusiasm and to remove muscle spasms. A short performance at the end of the year watched by teachers, parents and students contributes to the development of students’ motivation. This is a form of creativity, self-expression and self-realization, this is that conscious activity which we want our children to learn.
Keywords: pedagogical goal-setting, additional education, elocution, language
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 9 — 13
Downloads: 757