The article demonstrates the results of a study which is aimed to identify the relationship between individual values and innovative attitudes. 380 Russian people acted as respondents in this research – representatives of young generation (till 25 years) and the adults (45 years are more senior). As the main research method was used a survey method, consisting in filling of specially prepared questionnaires in which the technique of measurement of individual values – PVQ-R and a technique “Self-assessment of the personality’s innovative qualities” were used. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the value of the personal safety hinders the adoption of innovations among adult respondents, and public safety, by contrast, stimulate the adoption of innovations. The younger generation values “Independence of thought”, “Stimulation”, “Achievement”, “Power: the dominance “ stimulate the adoption of innovations.
Keywords: cultural values, values of individual level, innovation, innovative installation
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 115 — 122
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