The article considers the functioning of the active action verbal predicates in the descriptive text type. Verbal predicates used in the descriptive texts can verbalize space properties. General meaning connected all verbal predicates in descriptive texts is the meaning of existence. This meaning can variously be specified by meaning of a way of existence. Research results are associated with Russian semantic dictionary edited by N. Shvedova. There are some groups of verbs systematized in the dictionary: 1. general notation: creation, modification, connection, disconnection, improvement, deterioration, search, selection, use, acceleration, deceleration, localization, destruction; 2. thoughts, feelings, volition; 3. behavior, contact, information; 4. the public and civil relations and communication, social and political activities; 5. labor, employment, sports, recreation, amusements.
Keywords: descriptive text, visual description, description-characterization, semantics, verbal predicate, active action predicate types
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 199 — 203
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