The article contains an overview of a number of books and articles on the life and works of S. Kovalevskaya: memories of A. Sh. Leffler, research works of P. Ya. Kochina and others. The materials under consideration not only characterize Sofya Kovalevskaya as a research worker, but also reflect the personality traits and the spiritual quest of this extraordinary woman. The review of publications gives an idea about the level and focus of research interest to the life and work of S. Kovalevskaya.
Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Maxim Kovalevsky, Anne-Charlotte Leffler, memories, review, gender studies
1. Geronimus Ya. L. Ocherki o rabotakh korifeyev russkoy mekhaniki [Essays on the work of luminaries of Russian mechanics]. Moscow, Gostekhizdat Publ., 1952. 519 p. (in Russian).
2. Vorontsova L. Sofi a Kovalevskaya [Sofi a Kovalevskaya]. Zhizn’ zamechatel’nykh lyudey [Live of great people]. Vol. 23. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya Publ., 1959. 336 p. (in Russian).
3. Leffl er A. Sh. Sofi ya Kovalevskaya [Sofi a Kovalevskaya]. Translated from the Swedish by M. Luchitskaya. Izhevsk, Udmurtskiy gos. un-t Publ., 2000. 140 p. (in Russian).
4. Cochina P. Ya. Sofi ya Vasil’yevna Kovalevskaya [Sofi a V. Kovalevskaya]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1981. 312 p. (in Russian).
5. Agamova N. S., Allakhverdyan A. G. Rossiyskiye zhenshchiny v nauke I v vysshey shkole: istoriko-nauchnyeye I naukovedcheskiye aspekty (k 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya S. V. Kovalevskoy) [Russian women in science and in higher education: historical and scientifi c aspects (for the 150th anniversary of S. V. Kovalevskaya)]. URL: (in Russian) (accessed 25 June 2015).
6. Ushakova O. Pogovorim o velikikh zhenshchinakh: (k 150-letiyu S, V. Kovalevskoy) [Let’s talk about great women: (For the 150th anniversary of S. V. Kovalevskaya)]. Nauka v Sibiri – Science in Siberia, 2000, no. 1. URL: (in Russian) (accessed 25 June 2015).
7. Per’kova O.I., Sazanova L. I. S. V. Kovalevskaya – gordost’ Rossii [Sofi a V. Kovalevskaya – pride of Russia]. Vestnik Pskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Estestvennyeye I fi ziko-matematicheskiye nauki – Pskov State University Bulletin. Series: Natural and physical and mathematical sciences, 2010, no. 10, pp. 92–107 (in Russian).
8. Feoktistova O. P., Chernysheva I. N. Sofi ya Kovalevskaya: poet ot matematiki [Sofi a Kovalevskaya – poet from mathematics]. Nauka I obrazovaniye: nauchnoye izdaniye MGTU im. N. E. Baumana – Education and Science: Scientifi c publications of MSTU named after N. E. Bauman, 2014, no. 1, pp. 7 (in Russian).
9. Borisova E. V., Chekin A. L. Sofi ya Kovalevskaya – isklyucheniye iz pravil [Sofi a Kovalevskaya – the exception to the rule]. Nachal’naya shkola – Elementary School, 2010, no. 1, pp. 8–10 (in Russian).
10. Yanovskiy R. G. Vydayushchayasya doch’ Rossii [The outstanding daughter of Russia]. Lichnost’. Kul’tura. Obshchestvo – Personality. Culture. Society, 2000, vol. II, issue. 2 (3), pp. 60–68 (in Russian).
11. Solov’yeva N. V. Pervaya v mire zhenshchina-professor (k 165-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya S. V. Kovalevskoy) [The world's fi rst female professor (For the 165th anniversary of S. V. Kovalevskaya]). Akmeologiya – Akmeology, 2015, no. 2, pp 31–35 (in Russian).
12. Semenkova T. G. Kovalevskaya Sofi ya Vasiliyevna i Kovalevskiy Maksim Maksimovich [Sofi a V. Kovalevskaya and Maxim M. Kovalevskiy]. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta – Bulletin of the University of Finance, 2000, no. 2, pp. 59–70 (in Russian).
13. Globa P. Kovalevskaya Sofi ya Vasiliyevna – matematik, pisatel’nitsa, pervaya russkaya zhenshchina professor [Sophia Kovalevskaya V. – mathematician, writer, the fi rst Russian woman professor]. Zoroastriyskiy kalendar’. God bobra – Zoroastrian Calendar. The Year of Beaver. Minsk, 2009 (in Russian).
14. Vinskaya L. A. Literaturnoye naslediye matematika Sof’i Vasil’yevny Kovalevskoy [The literary heritage of Mathematitian Sofi a V. Kovalevskaya]. European Social Science Journal, 2013, no. 10–2 (37), pp 166–172 (in Russian).
15. Berezkina E. P. Mifologicheskoye nachalo v povesti S. V. Kovalevskoy “Nigilistka” [The mythological beginning in S. V. Kovalevskaya’s novellet “Nihilist”]. Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Buryat State University Bulletin, 2014, no. 10–1, pp. 126–129 (in Russian).
Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 195 — 198
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