The article presents Tatiana Meiko’s (Tomsk) appeal to the genre of prosaic short stories in the context of children’s literature formation traditions and development trends. At the turn of the XX–XXI centuries many children’s writers develop such genre types as nature, autobiographic short stories, mini tales (fairy, about animals), anecdotes / humorous short stories, horror stories, etc. It is more rarely when writers create short stories in the tideway of paroemia and philosophic-lyrical story traditions. Such writings including T. Meiko’s short fairy tales present the phenomenon of “common” (I. Arzamastseva) literature, which appeals both to children and adults. The article presents the analysis of some peculiarities of T. Meiko’s short stories poetic manner devoted to existential-ontological and socialphilosophic problematic.
Keywords: modern children’s literature, Siberian literature, prosaic short story, philosophic-poetical fairy tale, T. Meiko
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 172 — 178
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