There is a tendency to the shortening of the verse in the literature for children, as well as in modern poetry in general. Researchers rethink the boundaries of the genre of poetic miniature. Poetic miniature usually consists of two parts, and often contains a paradox. The article researches Alexander Bergelson’s (Novosibirsk) quatrains in comparison with the miniatures of other authors such as Grigory Oster, Renata Mukha, Herman Lukovnikov, Boris Khan. All texts are divided into two groups. In the first group two parts of the poem are opposed to each other. In the second group there is a poetic story in sequence. The texts of Bergelson expressed the dialectics of author's consciousness, desire to cooperate with the reader and the perception of reality as a game.
Keywords: Alexander Bergelson, poetic miniatures, poems for children, Siberian poetry, quatrain, dialectics, poetic game
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 166 — 171
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