The article deals with the aesthetic views of A. V. Makedonov – a famous literary critic and historian of the Soviet literature and post-Soviet periods. He was a supporter of the scientific concept of perceiving art as a constantly evolving knowledge of objective reality in the form of a second subjective-objective reality. The basic aesthetic views of Makedonov are connected with German classical aesthetics, particularly the philosophy of G.W.F. Gegel, the works of V. G. Belinsky and N. G. Chernyshevsky. In his works of the 1960–1980s, he was engaged in a polemic with Russian and foreign supporters of the theory of semiotics, in particular with Yu. M. Lotman. The researcher tried to prove that, despite a number of accurate statements, his opponents failed to determine the specificity of art as they tried to reduce all the originality of artistic creativity to the characteristics of different sign systems and as well as to reject the study of artistic image as a way to acquire knowledge about objective reality.
Keywords: art, aesthetic sign, image, model, A. V. Makedonov, Yu. M. Lotman
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 150 — 156
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