The article discusses the features of verbal display of love feeling in V. Tokarev’s prose. It was noted that this concept plays leading role in the value system of the characters. Creative verbal expression of the feelings is reflected in particular national spiritual worldview and individual representations of the author. As a rule, for the verbal representation of the image of love the author uses the following original units: component name, neoplasms, modified proverbs and sayings. The article discusses the features of verbal display of the feeling of love in the art space of V. Tokarev. It was noted that this concept is central to the value picture of the world of the characters of writings. In the creative verbal presentation of the feelings are reflected as a particular national spiritual view of the world and individual representations of the author. For the verbal representation of the image of love the author uses, as a rule, the original units: component name, neoplasms, modified proverbs and sayings.
Keywords: lexical innovation, compound name, transformed idioms, proverbs, aphorisms
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 140 — 145
Downloads: 731