As a result of the transition to a new social and economic model the modern society faces the necessity to reconsider the idea of the right hemisphere functions and change the approach to life. The skills that led the life in the information age remain necessary, but they alone are no longer sufficient for personal self-realization in the new conceptual age. The emphasis on the abilities of the right hemisphere can contribute to solving urgent problems in the system of higher education. For example, a complex linking of lingvo-didactic components makes the teachers of foreign language take into consideration the results of the research in the field of functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain. The knowledge of the dominant hemisphere cerebration peculiarities for the students of technical specializations (engineering physicists) let us model a lingvo-educational process in a non-linguistic university. We believe our aim is to draw attention of foreign language teachers to a specific approach to organizing a foreign language teaching process for this category of students.
Keywords: conceptual age, right hemisphere thinking, lingvodidactics, a model of lingvo-educational process, abilities, foreign language teacher training
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 109 — 113
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