The study of modern standards and requirements for higher education institutions in Russia and Germany leads to the idea that learning a foreign language becomes the task of undergraduate or graduate students themselves. The value of academic mobility which to a certain extent is implemented in all higher schools of Russia to achieve the quality of bachelor’s or master’s degree is presently being studied. The introduction of this technique to the educational process requires the appropriate training and support on the part of foreign language teachers. It is necessary to consider both the psychological and communicative training of students. The basis for formation of the professional foreign language competence is formed during the basic training of a foreign language. The next step is the transition from general technical texts to special ones. It is important to complicate the teaching material gradually, use a variety of sources in order to give students the opportunity of finding some familiar elements in each following task. This will help them understand the text and remove the possible psychological and communicative problems.
Keywords: professional foreign language competence, academic mobility, methods of foreign language teaching at Technical University
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 104 — 108
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