Knowledge of professional terminology is the most complicated aspect of methodical knowledge of a teacher, and learning this terminology is carried out mainly in the process of his (her) methodical training. In addition foreign language teachers must possess methodical terminology of the foreign language. The article is devoted to terminological tasks as one of the most important kinds of methodical tasks for the training of foreign language teachers. The specifics of terms of language didactics and the reasons for difficulties of their acquisition are named. The article gives generalization of the ways and methods of the training of future teachers to use professional pedagogical, methodical terms which are offered by domestic scientists. Possible forms of methodical tasks for learning Russian terminology are presented and author’s examples of them are given.
Keywords: terminological task, term of language didactics, methodical task, methodical training, training of foreign language teachers
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 94 — 99
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