Phytonims of Russian, English and French are examined in motivological and comparative aspect in order to define specific character of motivation phenomena in the Russian language. The principles of motivological comparative analysis include the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistic analysis. Motivological level of language research is a favourable ground for analysis of national specific of language because the nature of motivated word itself is mainly connected with language conscience of speakers. Names of plants are directly connected with object and cognitive speakers’ activity and also with social and cultural originality of language community’s life and its ethnographic peculiarities. Specific character of motivation system of the Russian language is the following: high level of plants’ names motivation; morpho-semantic type of motivation as a prevailing; simple structure of motivated sign, which points to plant appearance; compressed motivational meaning of phytonim; explicit classification sign in connection with derivational peculiarity of the Russian language.
Keywords: motivation, motivological and comparative analysis, type of motivation, motivated sign, classification sign
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 74 — 82
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