The general and distinctive characteristics of wind and atmospheric precipitation in linguistic worldview of representatives of the Selkup and Russian ethnic groups are revealed and described. Morphoepic and pragmatic concepts of wind are interconnected in the linguistic worldviews of both ethnoses. The most relevant characteristics of wind are its force and direction in the linguistic worldviews of both ethnoses. In the dialects of the Selkup and Russian languages intensity and duration of atmospheric precipitation are marked. Folk works and compatibility of the lexemes denoting wind indicate personification and sacralization of wind in both cultures. In nominations of wind its negative or positive influence on economic activity of people is also reflected. The number of general characteristics of rain, objectivized in dialects of the Selkup and Russian languages, includes intensity of this atmospheric precipitation.
Keywords: linguistic worldview, nomination of wind, nomination of rain, a dialect, Selkup language, Russian language, comparison
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 69 — 73
Downloads: 751