The article deals with comparative ethnolinguistic analysis of the Russian and German berries names that derive from animal names. The study bases on more than 400 dialectal names of 25 botanic genuses. The study relies on exposure and comparison of phytonyms nominational features and motivations. The analysis revealed a number of universal nominational features that are common in Russian and German. These are such features as “plant injuriousness (toxicity)”, “plant’s locus”, “eating of berries by animals”, “berries inedibility for the human”, “plant “falsity” (within phytonymic oppositions), “plant habitus and characteristics” and “household use of plant”. There was also identified one unique nominational feature “smell (taste) of plant” in German. The most frequent of zoonyms, reflecting the listed nominational features, are волк ‘wolf’, медведь ‘bear’, собака ‘dog’, ворон (а) ‘raven (crow)’ and сорока ‘magpie’ in Russian as well as Wolf ‘wolf’, Hund ‘dog’, Sau ‘swine’, Geiß ‘goat’, Schlange ‘snake’, Kröte ‘toad’ and Vogel ‘bird’ in German. In conclusion, the author describes the names of the berries that should be recognized as corrupt or reanalyzed forms and indicates the phytonyms, which nominational features require further research.
Keywords: phytonym (plant name), zoonym (animal name), nominational feature, ethnolinguistics, berry, the Russian language, the German language
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 62 — 68
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