The description of human inner world is conditioned by special features of anthropic perception of the reality. In the language conceptualization of emotional states there is a special place for metaphorical representations based on sensory associations caused by one or another emotion. The image of any human emotion has a complex of multiple fold conceptual metaphors in its base. The category of emotional state of Disappointment is considered to be the part of semantic space of human inner world which is reflected in cognitive metaphors. The research task involves differentiation and description of specific types of the metaphorical models actualizing the emotional state of Disappointment in the English perception of the world. The analysis of empirical material enabled to distinguish four models: sensorial, anthropomorphous, zoomorphic and nature-morphic metaphorical models. It is stated that with a variety of conceptual features, the integrity of the image of disappointment is built up on the combination of different feelings.
Keywords: cognitive modeling, cognitive model, conceptualization, metaphor, emotional state, disappointment
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Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 36 — 40
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