The article analyzes the degree of scrutiny of issues related to education management of Tartars of Russia in the second half of the XIX century on the example of Astrakhan province. There are the features of the study of the question in the pre-revolutionary (to 1917), Soviet (1917–1991) and contemporary (from 1991) periods. Despite the rich actual material this problem was not the subject of independent research. The authors of the available studies were limited to the study of certain aspects, and the subject remains little developed, moreover, some of these works are the compilation character, so at the moment the main goal is the study of archival materials. It also considers educational policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in relation to the Tatars of Russia during the reign of the two emperors Alexander II and Alexander III, consisting in attempts to spread the Russian language in Tatar environment. Specifies the legislative acts. Reveals the peculiarity of the Tatar education on the example of the Astrakhan province.
Keywords: education of the tatars in the second half of the XIX century, tatar school, MIA educational activities, management of the Tartar education
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 180 — 185
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